HomeSource Happiness refers to the feeling felt by those that utilize the HomeSource Water Coolers. It is a feeling of bliss that naturally engulfs everyone that has the purest source of water right at their finger-tips without ever having to lift a finger-tip. The goal of HomeSource Water is to do just that; bring access to the most refreshing glass of water around to the comfort of everyones home.
Fluoride, the dentist always said it was good right? Unfortunately that may not be the case. A thorough amount of research has been done and has come to the conclusion that ingesting the "toxic fertilizer-industry byproduct" is actually a far more dangerous practice than most people realize. As the article by Dr. Mercola will show, securing a water source that is not tainted with fluoride is a vital step to a healthy lifestyle. Irish Water Facing Litigation, Warns "Girl Against Fluoride"
FINALLY! Something we in the Autistic community have been warning against for years is getting some traction. Mercury (also called Thimerosal-- is still in some vaccines like the flu shot-- more info). Mercury laced amalgam and the toxin fluoride are the two biggest secrets of the dental industry.
Fluoride is in your water and can only be filtered out using reverse osmosis filtration or through a distilled process. BOTH cross through a barrier in your body that protects the brain from being contaminated by toxins. When these toxins and metals enter your brain they cause delays and processing issues.
Follow the money people.... and find yourself a dentist that will take yours out and/or doesn't use mercury in your mouth. And, drink purified water (reverse osmosis filtration) to keep the fluoride out of your drinking water. Immediate Ban on Dental Amalgam in the Philippines
This is an easy read to understand what is happening inside your body when you drink, eat and breath toxins, especially heavy metals. It also discusses glyphosate and it's effects. Glyphosate is the main chemical in Round Up herbicide products. They spray it on our food during planting. We spray it on our weeds around the house. What isn't mentioned here is the point that fluoride is a by-product of aluminum and is in your water and food as well.
Here are a few bits in the article:
"In the process of examining all the known toxic chemicals in the environment and assessing which one(s) would be most likely to be causal for autism—given the specific co morbidities associated with autism—Dr. Seneff found that glyphosate matched up almost perfectly."
"Interesting evidence of what happens when heparan sulfate is deficient comes from human and mouse studies of autism. In one study, "designer" mice engineered to have impaired heparan sulfate synthesis in the brain displayed all the classic features of autism, including sociocommunicative deficits and stereotypies."
"Interesting evidence of what happens when heparan sulfate is deficient comes from human and mouse studies of autism. In one study, "designer" mice engineered to have impaired heparan sulfate synthesis in the brain displayed all the classic features of autism, including sociocommunicative deficits and stereotypies."
Sulfate, Sleep and Sunlight: The Disruptive and Destructive Effects of Heavy Metals and Glyphosate